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Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor 3 flutes
Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor 3 flutes
Spare fingers kit for tap extractor 3 flutes. From M3 to M38 and inch equivalents
  • Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor
  • Available from M3 to M38 and inch equivalents, see data sheet
  • Select tool in relation to tap diameter and number of flutes
  • Made in the USA. Intense srl is a market leader in the distribution of fastening systems for sheet metal, plastic and metal for 40 years. It is renowned for the thread inserts and self-tapping bushes, which have always been recognized by the market as products of excellent quality

Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor 3 flutes

A partire da

€ -

€ 1

€ 8.9

€ 10.9

IVA esclusa

IVA inclusa

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See product datasheet

How to use:
- Remove all fragments of the broken tap, so that all flutes are completely free. Lightly lubricate. Use with the help of compressed air if necessary. Then insert the extractor fingers into the flutes of the tap
- Slide the sleeve down until it touches the work
- Apply a tap wrench to the square end of the holder. Twist forward and backward a few times to loosen, then back out the broken tap 

Find here frequently asked questions about Broken taps Extractors



- For orders from 1'000 Eur or for sizes/materials not listed please request a quote at email


- We are available for the questions about this product by phone, email or chat here on the site

Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor 3 flutes
  • Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor
  • Available from M3 to M38 and inch equivalents, see data sheet
  • Select tool in relation to tap diameter and number of flutes
  • Made in the USA. Intense srl is a market leader in the distribution of fastening systems for sheet metal, plastic and metal for 40 years. It is renowned for the thread inserts and self-tapping bushes, which have always been recognized by the market as products of excellent quality

Spare fingers kit for broken taps extractor 3 flutes

PrezzoA partire da € 8,90
IVA esclusa

    See product datasheet

    How to use:
    - Remove all fragments of the broken tap, so that all flutes are completely free. Lightly lubricate. Use with the help of compressed air if necessary. Then insert the extractor fingers into the flutes of the tap
    - Slide the sleeve down until it touches the work
    - Apply a tap wrench to the square end of the holder. Twist forward and backward a few times to loosen, then back out the broken tap 

    Find here frequently asked questions about Broken taps Extractors



    - For orders from 1'000 Eur or for sizes/materials not listed please request a quote at email


    - We are available for the questions about this product by phone, email or chat here on the site

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